Congratulations to Alex, our past president of the Churchville Photography Club. This is exciting and we can see that he's really enjoying the new equipment from Olympus. The New Hope Arts & Crafts Festival gave Alex the award for his BOOTH.  He attributes part of his success to the very large (and spectacular) image in the background of the booth.  Very classy!

He looks VERY happy and we are excited knowing that he's out there an enjoying the photography as well as the bird images he's getting in nature.  This is a happy man!









**Just a reminder, if you want an announcement in CPC webpage "CLUB NEWS", send it to   Please include a copy of the announcement or poster, flyer etc if any), a link to their page (if it's up), and a copy of your image(s) so we can admire your talent!!  If you choose to, we’d love for you to add any comments regarding this experience.

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