Our annual holiday feast - great food and conversation!  If you did not already sign up with the dish you will bring, please send an email to dianne19067@yahoo.com with the food item or drink you will bring.

We will share images - please upload up to five images.  Suggested theme is Winter and/or Holiday celebrations

Remember to bring a wrapped photo-related gift (value ~$10) if you want to participate in the Pollyanna.

NOTE there will be no showing of the National Geographic lessons at this meeting. The next showing will be on Jan 4 2016.

Submit up to five images you would like to share, sized no wider than 1024 pixels, no higher than 768 pixels.  Clear/delete your catalog of prior images before you upload.

Naming your uploaded files: (do not use extra characters)

  • Prefix images with your initials and image number so they will appear in the order you wish to show them.  For example DER01, DER02, etc...

Login to upload your images.
