The results of the Interclub Contest are found on the link:
(Doylestown cancelled their participation prior to the Zoom meeting. Three clubs were represented: Churchville, Cheltenham and Indian Valley.)
The following is the information related to the submissions:
The date for the 2021 InterClub has been changed to November 17th, Wednesday, to allow Cheltenham to compete with a previously scheduled event with a UK club. This will be a zoom event.
There are four (4) clubs participating in the Zoom meeting.
Churchville Photography Club
Cheltenham Camera Club
Doylestown Camera Club
Indian Valley Camera Club
Here are the details...
The 2021 Interclub categories and the naming codes are as follows:
Motion - MOT
Sky - SKY
Still Life - STL
*Surreal – SUR
Open - OPN
*While Surreal is expected to be the category with the most manipulated &/or composited images, any other image in any category is allowed whatever digital processing (textures, frames, etc.)
The Surreal category has an expectation that any part of a composite with a significant component of the composition shot by the artist. People can use stock images for ancillary parts of the composition.
Repeated...The file naming is critical for sorting the submissions. If the images are NOT named according to the conventions below, they will NOT be included in the images presented at the CPC selection meeting.
NAMING: Name your images with this convention: ---- topic, your FIRST NAME, LAST INITIAL, 01 - 03 (if submitting (3) three in a single category).
If you wish, you can provide a neutral, descriptive (not poetic or emotional) title. Describe what is in the image.
EXAMPLES --- MOTMartyG01 flowing water , SKYDianneR01 panoramic sunset, etc. The judges will not see these titles. These will only be used for sorting whichever images are chosen. The descriptions can be added later, if not provided.
SIZING - Please save your images as .jpg or .jpeg and size images no taller than 1200 pixels for vertical or square images and no wider than 1600 pixels for horizontals. The total FILE SIZE to upload should be under 2M. Watch the "Image Size" total on your resizer when saving your image. If the image is not accepted by the uploader, the size is usually the problem. Delete the image off the catalog on the uploader. Go back to your image file and downsize the image once again by lowering the 'quality' and try to reload. If you have any additional problems, you can contact Janet Hickey.
DEADLINE: Submit via the CPC uploader NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 20th 5PM Wednesday.
You can submit up to 15 (fifteen) total images for selection, but no more than three (3) per category.
MULTIPLE CLUBS: If you are a member of multiple clubs and wish to submit images to more than one club, DO NOT SEND THE SAME IMAGES to each club. (Choose different images for each club submission. We would not want to see duplicates shown to the judges for the competing clubs.)
FINAL SELECTIONS FOR THE I/C CONTEST: Each club may choose up to 5 (five) images, but no more than 3 per category, from one person. HOWEVER, should a member submit images to more than one club, it is important to NOTE that the InterClub Contest limits the total number of images in the contest to five (5) images. The member must be transparent and let the club selection committee know prior to the selection that images have been submitted to other clubs. The member must be transparent (before their selection is made by the other club), how many of their images were selected by the other club(s). The MAX is five (5) for the ENTIRE contest from one individual (not five per club).
Due to time constraints, a selection committee will choose six images per category from among the various member submissions. It is up to the club’s selection committee to make sure all submissions fit the given categories. Judges will be given the same instructions.
Judges will give their scores via a conference call monitored by Jean McKenna from Doylestown, and Dianne Rose from Churchville. The total of the scores for each image will be announced on zoom. FYI - The contest will be recorded.
Doylestown is the host club & will coordinate the zoom meeting for the contest.
Judges are to be provided by: Churchville (Stephen Perloff, editor of Photo Review), Cheltenham, and Indian Valley.
Focal Planes has chosen not to participate & Huntington Valley club has dis-banded.
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