Congratulations are in order for Marlene's image shown in the digital gallery line:

Marlene's image “Laser Focused” was selected by juror Stephen Perloff as an Honorable Mention in NYC4PA (New York City for Photographic Art)'s web gallery “Luminosity-the Impact of Light”.
She states:  "I am excited and honored to receive recognition and inclusion in this prestigious online gallery. "

A congratulatory email stated:  "Dear Marlene:  Congratulations.  Your image "LASER FOCUSED" has been selected by juror Stephen Perloff as an Honorable Mention in our LUMINOSITY – THE IMPACT OF LIGHT call for entry.

There will be a web gallery and a catalog for this show both of which will include your image. We will advise when the catalog is available for review and purchase.  Check the website in a week or so when the gallery will be ready for viewing."

researcher at the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature











Marlene is a member of several clubs in our area and known for her inquisitive nature. Her images show her creativity and passion for photography. We are honored to have her as a member in our club.

(My apologies for the late posting Marlene.)

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