Rick K portrait

Rick Kobylinski

My first experience with hands-on photography was with Instamatics and Polaroids in the early and mid 70’s ....after I was married and my kids were born. After taking a lot of awful images, I decided that it must be the fault of the crappy cameras I had been using so I purchased my first serious camera, a Canon AE-1 Program SLR in 1982. I quickly found out it wasn’t the cameras. I read a few How To photography books in the library and took a couple of courses on photography in a local camera shop. I learned that being a beginner photographer is like being a beginner golfer.

Many of your shots are really bad but then there is that one beautiful shot every now and then that gets you really excited. Over the years, my family and pets have been willing models for me and since I joined the Churchville Photography Club 15 years ago, I have learned quite a bit about what I should have been doing all those years.

My photography style is quite eclectic as the following images will attest and I enjoy most facets of the hobby. Travel photography and family images turn me on the most and I enjoy macro, candid wedding & performance images quite a lot also. I try to look for a humorous slant in my images when I can and love the interaction with people when I’m out and about with my camera. I know that I don’t have an artist’s eye but I enjoy what I do. The Canon 5D is my camera nowadays and I hope to continue to learn more about photography and apply that knowledge with every touch of the shutter button.

Everybody say “Cheese!”.
Valley Forge as George may have seen it. RK spotlight 2

RK spotlight 3 RK spotlight 4 RK spotlight 5

RK spotlight 6 RK spotlight 7

RK spotlight 8 RK spotlight 9 RK spotlight 10

RK spotlight 11 RK spotlight 12

RK spotlight 13 RK spotlight 14 RK spotlight 15

Note: As with all of the images on this site, the above images, are the exclusive property of the photographer. You may not copy or use any image without written consent of the photographer. Failure to comply constitutes copyright infringement and may be punishable by law and subject to fine. To comment on, purchase, or request permission to use the above images, please contact rskoby1@comcast.net