• The Churchville Photography Club started as an outgrowth of courses that Scott Petersen offered at the Churchville Nature Center in 1983 and 1984. His courses were on the basics of photography and black & white developing and printing. Current and past students met informally at first on the picnic benches outside the Nature Center and then moved inside in April 1985 to continue the learning process by sharing their experiences and bringing in guest lecturers.From modest beginnings of 9 to 10 members, the Club membership now includes 80-100 members on its roster. Over the years the Club has presented programs from well-known photographers such as Len LeRue III, Irene Hinke Sacilotto, Ernest Wildi, Art Morris, Lewis Kemper, Tom Ickland, Michael Smith, Tony Sweet, Joseph Rossback, Lindy Powers, Parish Kohanim, Henry Rowan, David Desrochers, Jennifer King, Lindsay Adler, Peter Allesandria, and Andre Gallant.  Club programs have also featured  talented local photographers. The Club has sponsored an Annual Photography Contest since 1990 which is open to the public.  The Contest has grown to showcase 350-400+ entries each year, with all entries on display at the Center for two weeks.Below is a brief review of the names that have been active in the Club over the years, and some milestones…..The first year of the club,  starting in April 1985, there was no formal structure; Bob Bechtold acted as President, Daniel Ochner was vice-president, and Scott continued in an advisory role. Dues were $5.00, with an additional $5.00 charged those who wanted to use the darkroom in the Nature Center’s Farmhouse . Of the founding group, Scott, Tony DiMattio, Dianne Rose, and Al Williams continued as long-time members.

    January 1986 brought a more formal organization, and first elections were held. Bob Bechtold became president, Tony Dimattio treasurer and Dianne Rose secretary. Dues were kept at $5 and mugs were sold as a fund-raiser. As of June 1986 there were 12 members. The program schedule for 1986 lists a slide show by Dianne, portrait photography by Scott, a matt-cutting seminar by Barbara DiMattio, and competition topics of spring wildflowers, night photography, and fall scenery. The library exhibit schedule already included a show at the Northampton Public Library. The treasury at the end of 1986 stood at $143.30.

    In 1987 Bylaws were written and approved. The president was Lou Caparoso, treasurer Tony DiMattio and secretary Dorothy Walker. Attendance at meetings ranged from 9-11 members, and there were 18 members total by the end of the year. During the summer months the Club met on the picnic benches outside for a discussion and social hour. The 50/50 was a fixture of the meetings, with the average winnings $5

  • IMPORTANT LINKS FOR MORE INFORMATION:Interclub Competition Results:  http://churchvillephoto.club/ category/interclub/

    Prior Year Meetings: http://churchvillephoto.club/category/prior-years-schedule/

      • 2023-2024 – Churchville Photography Club

      • Officers:
        Alex Spielman, President
        Marty Golin, Vice-President
        Dianne Rose, Secretary
        Elaine Barkan, Treasurer
        Website developer: John Stritzinger

      2022-2023 – Churchville Photography Club

    • Officers:
      Rick Koyblinski, President
      Marty Golin, Vice-President
      Dianne Rose, Secretary
      Elaine Barkan, Treasurer
      Website developer: John Stritzinger
      Administrators – Janet Hickey and  Dianne Rose
    • 2021-2022 – Churchville Photography Club

    • Officers:
      Rick Koyblinski, President
      Marty Golin, Vice-President
      Dianne Rose, Secretary
      Elaine Barkan, Treasurer
      Website developer: John Stritzinger
      Administrators – Janet Hickey and  Dianne Rose

    2020-2021 – Churchville Photography Club

  • Officers:
    Rick Koyblinski, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Elaine Barkan, Treasurer
    Website developer: John Stritzinger
    Administrators – Janet Hickey and  Dianne Rose
  • 2019-2020 – Churchville Photography Club

  • Officers:
    Rick Koyblinski, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Elaine Barkan, Treasurer
    Website developer: John Stritzinger
    Administrators – Janet Hickey and  Dianne Rose
  • 2018-2019 – Churchville Photography Club


    Rick Koyblinski, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Elaine Barkan, Treasurer
    Website developer: John Stritzinger
    Administrators – Janet Hickey and  Dianne Rose

    2017-2018 – Churchville Photography Club

    Susan Rachlin, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Elaine Barkan, Treasurer
    Website developer: John Stritzinger
    Web Administrator - Dianne Rose
    Membership = 86
    The scavenger [...]

    2016-2017 – Churchville Photography Club

    Janet Hickey, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Elaine Barkan, Treasurer
    Website developer: John Stritzinger
    Administrators - Janet Hickey, Dianne Rose

    Membership: 81
    The picnic [...]

    2015-2016 – Churchville Photography Club

    Janet Hickey, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Elaine Barkan, Treasurer
    John Stritzinger,  Janet Hickey, Dianne Rose web team,
    2015 – Dec 7 [...]

    2014-2015 – Churchville Photography Club

    Below are the Officers and highlights:

    Alan Micklin, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Gene Flanagan, Treasurer

    Refreshment Committee: TBD
    Website: Web developer: John [...]

    2013-2014 Churchville Photography Club


    Alan Micklin, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Gene Flanagan, Treasurer

    Refreshment Committee: Kathleen DiTanna, Sharlene Holliday
    Website: Administrator - Janet Hickey, Content [...]

    2012-2013 – Churchville Photography Club

    Janet Hickey, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Gene Flanagan, Treasurer

    Refreshment Committee - John Stritzinger, Marlene Mendez
    Trip Committee - John Stritzinger, [...]

    2011-2012 Churchville Photography Club


    Felix Gomes, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Gene Flanagan, Treasurer

    Refreshment Committee - Jean McKenna, Jan Goltz
    Website: Administrator - Janet Hickey; [...]

    2010-2011 Churchville Photography Club


    Felix Gomes, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Gene Flanagan, Treasurer

    Jean McKenna, Jan Goltz - Refreshment committee
    2010 heralded in the new [...]

    2005-2010 Churchville Photography Club


    Bruce McIntyre, president
    Marty Golin, vice-president
    Dianne Rose, secretary
    Gene Flanagan, treasurer
    Bryan Nord, webmaster; Janet Hickey, assistant webmaster
    Jean McKenna, Felix Gomes – [...]

    2000-2005 Churchville Photography Club


    Warren Holtzman, president
    Marty Golin, vice-president
    Dianne Rose, secretary
    Joan Radomski, treasurer

    Bernie Epstein, webmaster
    Len Rue Jr presented his program on “Alaska”.
    The club [...]

    2018-2019 – Churchville Photography Club


    Rick Koyblinski, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Elaine Barkan, Treasurer
    Website developer: John Stritzinger
    Administrators – Janet Hickey and  Dianne Rose

    2017-2018 – Churchville Photography Club

    Susan Rachlin, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Elaine Barkan, Treasurer
    Website developer: John Stritzinger
    Web Administrator - Dianne Rose
    Membership = 86
    The scavenger [...]

    2016-2017 – Churchville Photography Club

    Janet Hickey, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Elaine Barkan, Treasurer
    Website developer: John Stritzinger
    Administrators - Janet Hickey, Dianne Rose

    Membership: 81
    The picnic [...]

    2015-2016 – Churchville Photography Club

    Janet Hickey, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Elaine Barkan, Treasurer
    John Stritzinger,  Janet Hickey, Dianne Rose web team,
    2015 – Dec 7 [...]

    2014-2015 – Churchville Photography Club

    Below are the Officers and highlights:

    Alan Micklin, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Gene Flanagan, Treasurer

    Refreshment Committee: TBD
    Website: Web developer: John [...]

    2013-2014 Churchville Photography Club


    Alan Micklin, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Gene Flanagan, Treasurer

    Refreshment Committee: Kathleen DiTanna, Sharlene Holliday
    Website: Administrator - Janet Hickey, Content [...]

    2012-2013 – Churchville Photography Club

    Janet Hickey, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Gene Flanagan, Treasurer

    Refreshment Committee - John Stritzinger, Marlene Mendez
    Trip Committee - John Stritzinger, [...]

    2011-2012 Churchville Photography Club


    Felix Gomes, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Gene Flanagan, Treasurer

    Refreshment Committee - Jean McKenna, Jan Goltz
    Website: Administrator - Janet Hickey; [...]

    2010-2011 Churchville Photography Club


    Felix Gomes, President
    Marty Golin, Vice-President
    Dianne Rose, Secretary
    Gene Flanagan, Treasurer

    Jean McKenna, Jan Goltz - Refreshment committee
    2010 heralded in the new [...]

    2005-2010 Churchville Photography Club


    Bruce McIntyre, president
    Marty Golin, vice-president
    Dianne Rose, secretary
    Gene Flanagan, treasurer
    Bryan Nord, webmaster; Janet Hickey, assistant webmaster
    Jean McKenna, Felix Gomes – [...]

    2000-2005 Churchville Photography Club


    Warren Holtzman, president
    Marty Golin, vice-president
    Dianne Rose, secretary
    Joan Radomski, treasurer

    Bernie Epstein, webmaster
    Len Rue Jr presented his program on “Alaska”.
    The club [...]


Churchville Photography Club


This organization shall be known as the Churchville Photography Club.


The purpose of the Churchville Photography Club shall be the enjoyment of the general art of photography, and the education of its members in techniques and theory to enhance that enjoyment.


Meetings will be held the first and third Monday of each month at the Churchville Nature Center. No formal meetings will be scheduled during July or August unless agreed upon by the Executive Board.


Membership is open to anyone over the age of 14 interested in photography. Membership is open to both amateurs and professionals.

Visitors are welcomed to Club meetings, and will be requested to become due-paying members after the third visit.


Annual dues are assessed for each fiscal year. Dues of renewing members must be paid by the third Monday in October. Dues paid by new members joining in or after April shall be effective for the remainder of the fiscal year and for the next fiscal year.

Dues shall be set by the Executive Board and changes shall be approved by a 2/3 vote of the membership.


The following officers shall be elected by the membership: 1) President; 2) Vice-President;

3) Treasurer; 4) Secretary. The term of office shall be one fiscal year. The office of President or Vice-President shall not be held by the same person for more than three consecutive terms except by the approval of the membership.

The President shall preside at all regular and special meetings of the Club and shall administer the affairs of the Club. The President shall make all special committee appointments and shall appoint the chairperson of each standing committee.  The President should serve as or appoint a program chairperson

The Vice-President shall assist the President in the execution of his duties and shall assume the responsibilities in his absence. .

The Treasurer is responsible for all funds collected. The Treasurer and Secretary shall jointly maintain membership records.  The Treasurer shall make available a detailed written report during the months of October, December, March and June. The Secretary shall take minutes at each meeting, perform Club correspondence, and maintain Club archives


The management of the Club shall be directed by the Executive Board composed of the elected officers, the immediate Past-President and the Chairperson of any standing committees. The Executive Board shall meet to transact the business of the Club as often as necessary, but no less than four (4) times per fiscal year. Generally mid-July, mid-October, mid-January and mid-April. Any five officers or Standing Committee Chairpersons shall constitute a quorum. A simple majority of the quorum shall constitute passage. In the event of a tie vote, the President in his or her absence, the Vice President shall cast the deciding vote.


Standing committees shall consist of the following: Program Committee, Interclub Committee and Website Committees. The President may appoint such special committees as are necessary with the advice and consent of the Executive Board.


Finances shall consist of all Club monies.

All disbursements on behalf of the Club should be by check. The checks shall be signed by the Treasurer or other officer with signatory authority. Receipts for all expenses will be given to the Treasurer. Petty cash can be used for expenses up to $50 per receipt.

The Planning Committee will work within the guidelines set by the Executive Board in establishing the program schedule for the following year.  This budget will be presented to the membership for a vote before mid-June.

All expenditures $50.00 to $100 shall only be made after authorization by three members of the Executive Board.  Expenses over $100 shall be authorized by a majority vote of those present at the meeting at which the item is discussed.

The fiscal year is defined as running from July to June.


At least sixty (60) days prior to the election the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee. This Committee shall announce their nominations by the last meeting in April. Elections of Officers shall be held at the last May meeting. New Officers shall assume their responsibilities at the annual picnic or July 1st, whichever comes first

Election shall be by majority vote of those present at the meeting. Signed proxy ballots submitted to the Secretary prior to the meeting shall be included in the election results. Special elections may be held at any time to fill vacancies left by resignation or impeachment.


All grievances concerning the removal of an Officer due to reasons of dereliction of duty or failure to perform the duties of the position in the best interest of the Club must be in writing and presented to the Executive Board. The Executive Board must investigate the grievance before presenting it to the Club. The Officer in question must be given the opportunity to defend themselves.  The Executive Board should make a proposed decision, and present it to the Club. The Officer must have the opportunity to attend the meeting, if they wish, to defend themselves before the Club. A vote on the motion to remove the Officer shall be taken at the next meeting following the discussion, and passed by a majority vote of the attending membership and submitted signed proxy ballots. All members must be notified of the motion under discussion. Results will be posted in the Members Only section of the Club website and via email.


Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by any member of the Club to the Executive Board. If approved by the Board, amendments will be discussed at a general meeting of the Club and brought to a vote at the following general meeting. If the Executive Board does not approve the changes proposed, then the club member proposing the changes must obtain the signatures of twenty percent (20%) of the current membership. The changes will then be open to discussion at a general meeting. The changes will be brought to a vote at the following meeting. The changes shall be incorporated into the Bylaws if approved by a majority vote of the members present or who have submitted proxy votes to the Secretary prior to the vote.


The rules contained in the current edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised” shall be used as the framework to govern the Club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rule of order the Club may adopt.

Written 2/1/88

Revised 12/5/88; 5/1/89; 1/4/93; 4/17/95; 12/4/95; 1/19/98, 12/3/01, 11/5/07, 02/26/2015, 5/18/2015, 4/3/2017