Bharat joined our club recently and gave a 15 Minute of Fame preview of his work. I'm very happy to introduce him now with his SPOTLIGHT article. Please read his journey into how he fell in love with photography.
"My name is Bharat Dixit. I’m a full-time biotechnology/pharmaceutical professional; a scientist by training. I recently moved to central Bucks County from Massachusetts.
My interest in photography truly started in a laboratory probably 25 years back. I used to develop x-ray films to document lab results and take beautiful images of specimens using a confocal microscope, at super high resolution/molecular level. That inspired me to buy a camera and do some real-world photography.
My first camera was a Cosina CT1a (I think). After experimenting for 2 years or so I bought a Canon Elan IIe which became my hobby work horse. Initially I used to enjoy developing films and printing my own in a dark room but slowly moved on to a digital camera. After changing a few camera bodies, I stuck with the Cannon 5D Mark III that I carry to most of the places I go.
In terms of the type of photographic style, I mostly enjoy taking pictures of nature and love macro shots. In fact, I just shoot whatever and wherever I am. In general, I prefer to keep people out of my photographs though I have been a semi-professional photographer in a few weddings for friends who trusted me enough to photograph their wedding.
Lately I have been experimenting with HDR and using the hyper stacking approaches as well as trying various photoshop techniques. I must admit, I have a lot to learn."
(Click on the image(s) below and view full frame.)
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