
Warren Holtzman, president
Marty Golin, vice-president
Dianne Rose, secretary
Joan Radomski, treasurer

Bernie Epstein, webmaster
Len Rue Jr presented his program on “Alaska”.
The club had 93 members in June of 2005.

Sue Rachlin, president
Marty Golin, vice-president
Dianne Rose, secretary
Joan Radomski, treasurer

Bernie Epstein, webmaster
Nancy Ori presented Pinhole Photography and Ed Funk did a program on “Creativity”.

Janet Hickey, president
Marty Golin, vice-president
Dianne Rose, secretary
Joan Radomski, treasurer

Bernie Epstein, webmaster
Bill Silliker “The Mooseman” presented Camera Hunting techniques for the 21st Century, and Len Rue Jr presented “Landscapes across America”.

Janet Cohen Hickey, president
Michael Hickey, vice-president
Dianne Rose, secretary
Marty Golin, treasurer

Susan Rachlin, president
Janet Cohen, vice-president
Dianne Rose, secretary
Marty Golin, treasurer
Buck Sleuman, Image editor

The opening night speaker was Art Morris with his program named “The Art of Bird Photography”
On March 19, 2001 Ernest Wildi was the featured speaker, sponsored by Hasselblad
In December 2000 there were 69 members; the treasury stood at $3145 in Nov 2000.