Club History

Information about current and past years at Churchville Photography Club

CANCELLED due to COVID-19 restrictions – April 22, 2020 – 2020 InterClub Contest – 25 Categories

Images are assigned points by the judge(s).  The club with the highest score wins the honor of taking the [...]

2018-2019 – Churchville Photography Club


Rick Koyblinski, President
Marty Golin, Vice-President
Dianne Rose, Secretary
Elaine Barkan, Treasurer
Website developer: John Stritzinger
Administrators – Janet Hickey and  Dianne Rose

2017-2018 – Churchville Photography Club

Susan Rachlin, President
Marty Golin, Vice-President
Dianne Rose, Secretary
Elaine Barkan, Treasurer
Website developer: John Stritzinger
Web Administrator - Dianne Rose
Membership = 86
The scavenger [...]

2016-2017 – Churchville Photography Club

Janet Hickey, President
Marty Golin, Vice-President
Dianne Rose, Secretary
Elaine Barkan, Treasurer
Website developer: John Stritzinger
Administrators - Janet Hickey, Dianne Rose

Membership: 81
The picnic [...]

2015-2016 – Churchville Photography Club

Janet Hickey, President
Marty Golin, Vice-President
Dianne Rose, Secretary
Elaine Barkan, Treasurer
John Stritzinger,  Janet Hickey, Dianne Rose web team,
2015 – Dec 7 [...]

2014-2015 – Churchville Photography Club

Below are the Officers and highlights:

Alan Micklin, President
Marty Golin, Vice-President
Dianne Rose, Secretary
Gene Flanagan, Treasurer

Refreshment Committee: TBD
Website: Web developer: John [...]

2013-2014 Churchville Photography Club


Alan Micklin, President
Marty Golin, Vice-President
Dianne Rose, Secretary
Gene Flanagan, Treasurer

Refreshment Committee: Kathleen DiTanna, Sharlene Holliday
Website: Administrator - Janet Hickey, Content [...]

2012-2013 – Churchville Photography Club

Janet Hickey, President
Marty Golin, Vice-President
Dianne Rose, Secretary
Gene Flanagan, Treasurer

Refreshment Committee - John Stritzinger, Marlene Mendez
Trip Committee - John Stritzinger, [...]

2011-2012 Churchville Photography Club


Felix Gomes, President
Marty Golin, Vice-President
Dianne Rose, Secretary
Gene Flanagan, Treasurer

Refreshment Committee - Jean McKenna, Jan Goltz
Website: Administrator - Janet Hickey; [...]

2010-2011 Churchville Photography Club


Felix Gomes, President
Marty Golin, Vice-President
Dianne Rose, Secretary
Gene Flanagan, Treasurer

Jean McKenna, Jan Goltz - Refreshment committee
2010 heralded in the new [...]

2005-2010 Churchville Photography Club


Bruce McIntyre, president
Marty Golin, vice-president
Dianne Rose, secretary
Gene Flanagan, treasurer
Bryan Nord, webmaster; Janet Hickey, assistant webmaster
Jean McKenna, Felix Gomes – [...]

2000-2005 Churchville Photography Club


Warren Holtzman, president
Marty Golin, vice-president
Dianne Rose, secretary
Joan Radomski, treasurer

Bernie Epstein, webmaster
Len Rue Jr presented his program on “Alaska”.
The club [...]

1987-2000 – Churchville Photography Club


Susan Rachlin, president
Ed Maxwell, vice-president
Dianne Rose, secretary
Buck Sleuman, treasurer
Buck Sleuman, Image editor

Michael Smith of “Mad Bluebird” fame presented “Random [...]