INTERESTED?  You must be a member to participate in club trips.  You can join the club in advance by filling out our membership form  and mailing your check to Elaine Barkan; the information and her address is on the form.  The check must be received prior to the event (or you can bring it and the membership form with you).

For those who have not visited before, the SteelStacks provides a unique space for making images of industrial architecture, abstracts of rust and metal, and a surrounding area that brings a juxtaposition of history and present day looks.  In December, the "Bethlehem" theme brings visitors to see and shop Christmas-themed work by vendors in a Christkindmarkt next to the SteelStacks.

In addition to the architecture, photographic opportunities will include the people scene in and around the Christkindmarkt and/or a walk to St Michael's church and cemetery for an historic view of the steel mill.

Date/Time: Saturday December 2, 2023 / 1pm-5pm

In the event of inclement weather, we will have an option to reschedule for the following weekend day Sunday December 3 or weekday Tuesday December 5.

John will provide his cell phone number and additional details for those signing up for the outing.  Sharing a ride up and back makes for an enjoyable time with fellow members.  John will assist in coordinating car-pooling from the area for those who would like to do so.

We will meet and begin our day at 1pm in front of the SteelStacks Visitors Center.  Arrangements can be made in advance for late arrivals to meet up with our group.

Address: SteelStacks, 711 First Street, Bethlehem, PA 18015

Google Maps Link:,-75.3720485,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x89c43e381f7fbd73:0xae7de047ee4adca1!8m2!3d40.6149121!4d-75.3694736!16s%2Fg%2F1jgm0y80w?entry=ttu

Location website:

The first portion of the afternoon will include a walk along the Hoover Mason Trestle, a 4-story-high viewpoint, accessible from the visitors center.

We will also take some time to investigate alternate viewpoints and other interesting local buildings in surrounding streets.

Mid-afternoon will include two options:

As sunset approaches at 4:35pm, we will finish the day near the visitors center where we began, when the SteelStacks should be illuminated with colorful lights during the blue hour.

Depending on interest and timetables, some may choose to share a meal before driving back home.


This trip is not sponsored by the Churchville Photography Club.  Participants assume all risks associated with attending this event.